You know it is when you take your doggy for a walk. Most male dogs have to mark their territory everywhere, LOL! As you walk along not only does your fur baby have to smell everything in sight, he likes to pee on everything in sight too! It's pretty funny when you're trying to get a walk in, but your dog insists on doing everything but walk.
Well, if you have a male dog that marks his territory nonstop when you take him on a walk, then you'll find great humor in today's video. If you thought your pooch was talented at doing his business, think again! You're going to be laughing all day about this one.
This Pug has a hilarious way of marking his territory that you can't miss!
Check out the second page to see how this Pug takes care of business.
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Karen Johnson
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Louis Alcantara
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Denia Hernandez why do I picture buba squirrel doing this
Mikaela Livengood
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Jason Doll
Nick Killian
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Rosalee Frost-Killian
What if Riddick did this
Ute Pohl
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This is Teddy
Nicole Causer
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My sisters chihuahua does the same thing!
Bonnie Underwood
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Jeannette Brown
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Julie Bassett
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My pug does the same thing
Lisa Grune
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Mine too!
Carlene Woods
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Pugs have a unique way of leaving mail..My boy backs up to a high rock and perfectly hits the arrow..:-)
Stephanie Hall
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Alex Burdi
Charlette Schoenberg
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my female pug does this
Dave Thomas
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Melissa Vaughn, I’m dead!
Melissa Vaughn
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Oh my God.
Dave Thomas
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Linda Andrews
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This must be something of a “thing” among male Pugs. My Billy wasn’t QUITE this bad, but there WERE times when he lifted his leg so high he fell over. :^)
Patricia Blake
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Really cute