If you guessed dancing as this pug's secret activity, then you are correct! And if you thought you could dance, I think you'll change your mind after watching Fred! It turns out Fred the pug looooves the song Jump in the Line, and he isn't afraid to show it!
Looks like Fred's eyes are open, and the coast is clear! Whew, dad is finally gone! Now someone's excited because he gets to dance soon! Let his favorite “secret” activity commence!
The music’s now turned on. It’s time for this puggy dance party to begin! First we get a glimpse of Fred’s cute and excited face.
This is only the beginning of Fred's dance moves. Just wait until you see what killer moves are coming up next and later on the video too!
Patricia Krupica
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Carol Walker
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our pugs hard too take care of. what food do they like eat
Janette Ayearst
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How many pugs do you have??? If you find them too hard to take care of, you shouldn’t have them at all. Just saying.
Carol Walker
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are pug plyful
Todd Borman
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Mine is picky he won’t eat thing other then kibble n bits.
Todd Borman
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Carol Walker they are playful n most are goof balls very affectionate loving dogs.