With their large eyes, wriggly bodies and “smooshed” faces, your decision on having a pug as a part of your family is one of the best decision you will ever make! Never again will you be lonely or inactive because your pug-pal will remind you often that he or she should be the center of attention. And, while your pooch may demand your undivided attention at the most awkward times, you won’t mind.
Never again will you be lonely or inactive because your pug-pal will remind you often that she should be the center of attention. And, while your pooch may demand your undivided attention at the most difficult of times, you really won't mind.
A pug is way too adorable to be mad at for any period. You just need to hear that little whine and you will melt. In fact, that look in her eyes and her adorable whining may have been the reason you picked a pug in the first place!
However, with any dog breed, there are certain things new pug owners need to learn and understand.
When you go over to page two, you will learn more about your breed and will be given some sage advice that will aid you and your pup tremendously!
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Courtney Greco Veach
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Jessie Diaz
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Pugs are the best!!!!
Arev Doursounian
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Bryan White Important info
Bryan White
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I feel like you knew all of this already #pugmaster
Melanie Patterson
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Ben Patterson
Katrine Moranz
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Erin Zaken
Erin Zaken
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I’m brushing his teeth now
Marsha Holladay
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They are unique little creatures!!
Megan LoForte
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Toni Thiboult LoForte❤️❤️
Natalie Ribeiro
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Helena Joy Sanchez this will be helpful someday
Helena Joy Sanchez
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yes! when we have our 40
James Corns Jr.
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Laura Dudley Corns
Gina Marie Kesecker
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Frederick Alexander Ferrari
Frederick Alexander Ferrari
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Thanks Gina and I’m starting to go on little walks with him
Gina Marie Kesecker
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Makes me happy to hear!
Frederick Alexander Ferrari
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Yeah he makes me super happy
Karen Fleming
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There is nothing like a pug. Full of love for everyone! Sweetest dog ever!
Keaton Brown
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Samantha Wright