9) You will learn to fear the crazy Pug eyes, which are really telling you that your Pug wants something! She'll likely stare you down until she gets what she wants — so you better practice saying no now before it's too late! Or it may already be too late. Haha!
10) And, of course, there's the infamous head tilt when your Pug is listening to you and trying her hardest to figure out what you're saying. It's cute, enduring, and makes you want just to pick her up and shower her with kisses. Your Pug will happily oblige and give you lots of doggy kisses back!
So now that you're aware of some of the Pug realities, are you ready to be a committed Pug mom and dad? I think you will find that having a Pug is worth the effort, expense, and time. Pugs are comics and clowns and will provide you with hours of entertainment and not to mention laughter. They also will give you a ton of unconditional love.
If you've been a Pug owner before then you probably can relate to these realities and have learned to love and embrace your Pug for who he or she is.
Bottom line: As a new Pug owner, you MUST be aware of the care that's involved and learn to embrace everything that is Pug. 🙂 Enjoy your new fur child!
Featured Image Via: oella / Instagram
Margie Deffinger
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We love our Nixon and Hulk
Susan Hitchcock-Duemling
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They missed Shedding and dog farts, but we wouldn’t trade our piglet for all the money in the world
Kara Holcomb
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Angela Brown, Luana McCauley, Aida Galicia
Dawn Glover Klemm
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Almost 100% accurate, with the addition of the fact that Pugs absolutely cannot stand hot weather either. They cant sweat and with their little brachiocephalic faces, they can’t breathe either. Do not take your dog out in hot weather!
Catherine Krawczyk
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My Oscar naps like a boss! He’s my boo!
Allana Anderson
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Monica Zachay
Monica Zachay
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Carolyn Chamberland
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Looks just like mine did as a pup.
Nikki Lawrence
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Snoring should be number 1. Also, our pugs must be the only ones in the universe that don’t give kisses.
Melody Simpson
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Patrick Rwl
Debbie McManus Swett
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Eric Swett
Maarten van Krimpen
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Mandy Brouwers kijk die wil ik
Patrick Rwl
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Edwin- 3, 4, 6, 7!, 9,
Oliver- 1, 3, 4, 5?, 8, 9
Shannon Lee Magro
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Katie Magro
Francine Mozes
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Jenni Lenz
Lori Leazer
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Angie O’Brien tag your momma
Patty Merritt-Wilfong
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Best dog I ever had.
Angie O'Brien
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Jenny White Burnsed
Anthony Morency
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You just
Anthony Morency
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You just described my baby
Regina Pokropski
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Really miss my little black Pug . He passed a few weeks ago
Patsy Perez
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They are most beautiful.
Patsy Perez
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I lost my Bella in February. I still miss her a lot. I still cry for her at times.
Elaine Sannicandro
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special love thursdays!1
Melanie Thompson
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Pugs are the best.
Kevin Read
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Love my pug
Marsha Anne Perdue
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They are beyond awesome!!!! My dearly loved Yeager now has 75% paralysis in his hind legs. He can control his bladder, but not his bowel. If anyone had told me I’d be okay with poop pods years ago, I would have said
Carol Jones
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Darby you should read this. It’s spot on!